From 2011-2016, images and videos of "The Root Canal Anatomy Project" were developed at the Laboratory of Endodontics of Ribeirao Preto Dental School. From 2016, images were acquired in other educational institutions. They can be freely used for attributed noncommercial educational purposes by educators, scholars, student and clinicians. It means that all material used should include proper attribution and citation ( In such cases, this information should be linked to the image in a manner compatible with such instructional objectives. Unfortunately, because material shared on the RCAP has not been properly cited by several users, from November 2019 a watermark was added to the images and videos. Enjoy!

May 1, 2013

Best Movie Award - Brucker MicroCT Meeting 2013

Prof. Marco Versiani surrounded by the PhD students from the University of Sao Paulo, Dr. Graziela Bianchi (left) and Dr. Fernanda Plotegher (right), after being announced as the winner of the Best Movie Award in Brucker MicroCT User Meeting 2013, in Hasselt, Belgium.
The movie was developed at the Department of Endodontics of the Dental School of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, under the supervision of Prof. Sousa Neto and Prof. Pecora, with contribution of the aforementioned students.

Competing with movies produced by 13 researchers from different areas around the world, 
the only dentist to compete won the price with the movie "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
This movie was made by the superimposition of six 3D models of the root canal of a mandibular first molar after preparation with 6 instruments in a sequence. Each instrument represents one of the colors. The tooth was scanned 6 times (one after using each instrument) and the data was registered.

Turn up the volume...

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