From 2011-2016, images and videos of "The Root Canal Anatomy Project" were developed at the Laboratory of Endodontics of Ribeirao Preto Dental School. From 2016, images were acquired in other educational institutions. They can be freely used for attributed noncommercial educational purposes by educators, scholars, student and clinicians. It means that all material used should include proper attribution and citation ( In such cases, this information should be linked to the image in a manner compatible with such instructional objectives. Unfortunately, because material shared on the RCAP has not been properly cited by several users, from November 2019 a watermark was added to the images and videos. Enjoy!

July 24, 2017

The Walking Dead Project - Dentinal Microcracks

Dentinal Microcrack Development after Canal Preparation: A Longitudinal in Situ Micro–Computed Tomography Study Using a Cadaver Model

Gustavo De-Deus, Júlio César de Azevedo Carvalhal, Felipe Gonçalves Belladonna, Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal Silva, Ricardo Tadeu Lopes, Renato Evando Moreira Filho, Erick Miranda Souza, José Claudio Provenzano, Marco Aurélio Versiani

April 14, 2017

Fused Maxillary 2nd Molars: International Endodontic Journal

Morphological evaluation of maxillary second molars with fused roots: 
a micro-CT study

R. Ordinola-Zapata
J. N. R. Martins
C. M. Bramante
M. H. Villas-Boas
M. H. Duarte 
M. A. Versiani

For more information CLICK HERE



January 20, 2017

XP-endo Shaper and XP-endo Finisher

Preparation of curved canals of a mandibular first molar with
XP-endo Shaper and XP-endo Finisher

Prof. Marco Versiani, Prof. Kleber Carvalho & Prof. Sousa Neto