December 3, 2011

Roots Summit 2012

Message from the President

Dear friends,

Gustavo De-Deus and I have put together an exquisite and unique team of speakers for the Roots Summit 2012.  It took a lot of work and dedication and Gustavo as the scientific chair has done an incredible job.  We can't thank  enough all the others who did the past Roots Summits and have helped to push the frontiers of ignorance far way from Endodontics.
Another innovative and unique achievement that we were able to accomplish is the participation of several companies sponsoring great speakers in a very particular way.  Roots Summit 2012 does not "belong" to any particular company as a major sponsor, it belong to us.
We had a clear vision of what kind of meeting we wanted to create and the companies understood our vision and collaborate immensely without restrictions.  This is a very good sign of trust and importance of Roots as a concept.  It is very clear to us that the companies want to participate and collaborate if they see a fair game to everybody.
A big thank you to all the companies who have supported us sponsoring great speakers!
This is going to be THE endodontict meeting of South America and very soon the web site is going to be release with more information.
The Mabu Hotel is paradisiac , don't miss the opportunity and bring your family along and spent some quality time.  We are also planning some great outdoor activities.  Foz do Iguaçu is an ecological sanctuary. For the "brave" ones we will have the Macuco Safari experience.  For the flying experts we will have the helicopter flight above Iguaçu Falls. This will be a life time experience.
The Summit will have many parallel educational activities to integrate everybody. Here is the preliminary list of speakers (we are still finalizing it the response was overwhelming):

Sponsored speakers:

Fred Barnett - USA proudly sponsored by Carestream
GHassan Yared  - Canada proudly sponsored by VDW
Gilberto Debelian  - Norway proudly sponsored by FKG
Jorge Vera - Mexico  proudly sponsored by Sybron Endo
Markus Hapassalo - Canada proudly sponsored by Dentsply

Volunteers speakers:

Bill Seldon - UK
Carlos Puentes - Argentina
Chaniots Antonis - Greece
Claudia Cia Worshec - Brazil
Eduardo Fregnani - Brazil
Eric Herbranson - USA
Joe Dovgan - USA
John Munce - USA
Jorg Schroder - Germany
Henrique Bassi - Brazil
Hans Herman - Germany
Leandro pereira - Brazil
Marc Balson - USA
Marco Versiani - Brazil
Rafael Michiels - Belgium
Roberto Cristescu - Romania/Netherlands
Sashi Nallapati - Jamaica

Volunteers for the workshops (many speakers will also do workshops and we want to have lots of interaction):

Andrey Berdichewsky - Chile
Débora Sellera - Brazil
Eudes Gondin - Brazil
Sergio Rosler - Argentina

So mark down on your calendar:  Roots Summit 2012 in Foz do Iguaçu Brasil!  We are waiting for you.

Carlos Murgel and Gustavo De-Deus

Impressions from DGEndo

(by Oscar von Stetten, Germany): In November, over 450 guests broke visitor records during the tenth Annual Meeting of the German Society of Endodontology (DGEndo) held at the Kameha Grand hotel in Bonn, Germany. The meeting simultaneously marked the end of DGEndo and the launch of the German Society of Endodontology and Traumatology (DGET). With an excellent programme and an impressive line-up of international speakers, the meeting was probably the most important German endodontics event of the year. The main scientific programme was opened by Dr Christian Gernhardt in an excellent manner, as always. He was followed by Prof Marco Versiani, who presented fascinating μCT images of the complex root-canal anatomy and clearly and skilfully put these images in the context of our everyday clinical work... (read more).

I was invited by Prof. Dr. Christian R. Gernhardt for a presentation of almost 2 hours about the three-dimensional anatomy of the root canal system and its relationship to endodontic procedures. It was an unforgettable experience. Here I post some pictures of the meeting and the amazing people I met there. Thanks Christian for the invitation!
Click the image to see the complete program
Dr. Versiani's presentation
 (DTI/Photo courtesy of Eric Müller)
Dr. Marco Versiani and Dr. Christian R. Gernhardt
Dr. Markus Haapasalo, Dr. Marco Versiani and Dr. Frank Paqué
Dr. Frank Paqué and Dr. Marco Versiani
Dr. Markus Haapasalo, Dr. Marco Versiani and Dr. Claude Löst
Dr. Marco Versiani and Dr. Michael Baumann
Dr. Arnaldo Castelucci and Dr. Marco Versiani
Dr. Hans-Willi Herrmann, Dr. Marco Versiani and Dr. Jörg Schröeder
 3D live operation by Dr. Kim
  3D live operation by Dr. Kim
  3D live operation by Dr. Kim
  3D live operation by Dr. Kim

October 1, 2011

Mandibular Second Molar - C-Shaped

Somewhat smaller coronally than the mandibular first more.


Keywords: micro-computed tomography, micro-ct, marco versiani, micro-computer tomography, high resolution x-ray tomography, dental anatomy, root canal anatomy

Maxillary First Premolar

Most commonly birooted, the maxillary first premolar is a transitional tooth between incisor and molar. Read more.

Keywords: micro-computed tomography, micro-ct, marco versiani, micro-computer tomography, high resolution x-ray tomography, dental anatomy, root canal anatomy

Maxillary Lateral Incisor

Tending toward an oval shape, the crown of the maxillary lateral incisor...Read more.

Keywords: micro-computed tomography, micro-ct, marco versiani, micro-computer tomography, high resolution x-ray tomography, dental anatomy, root canal anatomy

Roots Magazine 03.2011

Click the cover to download the complete magazine in .pdf file

August 14, 2011

Maxillary Second Molar

Coronally, the maxillary second molar closely resembles the maxillary first molar, although it is not as... Read more.


Keywords: micro-computed tomography, micro-ct, marco versiani, micro-computer tomography, high resolution x-ray tomography, dental anatomy, root canal anatomy

June 21, 2011

June 7, 2011

Mandibular Second Molar

Somewhat smaller coronally than the mandibular first more.

Keywords: micro-computed tomography, micro-ct, marco versiani, micro-computer tomography, high resolution x-ray tomography, dental anatomy, root canal anatomy

May 29, 2011

Mandibular First Premolar

Often considered an enigma to the endodontist, the more.



Keywords: micro-computed tomography, micro-ct, marco versiani, micro-computer tomography, high resolution x-ray tomography, dental anatomy, root canal anatomy