December 3, 2011

Impressions from DGEndo

(by Oscar von Stetten, Germany): In November, over 450 guests broke visitor records during the tenth Annual Meeting of the German Society of Endodontology (DGEndo) held at the Kameha Grand hotel in Bonn, Germany. The meeting simultaneously marked the end of DGEndo and the launch of the German Society of Endodontology and Traumatology (DGET). With an excellent programme and an impressive line-up of international speakers, the meeting was probably the most important German endodontics event of the year. The main scientific programme was opened by Dr Christian Gernhardt in an excellent manner, as always. He was followed by Prof Marco Versiani, who presented fascinating μCT images of the complex root-canal anatomy and clearly and skilfully put these images in the context of our everyday clinical work... (read more).

I was invited by Prof. Dr. Christian R. Gernhardt for a presentation of almost 2 hours about the three-dimensional anatomy of the root canal system and its relationship to endodontic procedures. It was an unforgettable experience. Here I post some pictures of the meeting and the amazing people I met there. Thanks Christian for the invitation!
Click the image to see the complete program
Dr. Versiani's presentation
 (DTI/Photo courtesy of Eric Müller)
Dr. Marco Versiani and Dr. Christian R. Gernhardt
Dr. Markus Haapasalo, Dr. Marco Versiani and Dr. Frank Paqué
Dr. Frank Paqué and Dr. Marco Versiani
Dr. Markus Haapasalo, Dr. Marco Versiani and Dr. Claude Löst
Dr. Marco Versiani and Dr. Michael Baumann
Dr. Arnaldo Castelucci and Dr. Marco Versiani
Dr. Hans-Willi Herrmann, Dr. Marco Versiani and Dr. Jörg Schröeder
 3D live operation by Dr. Kim
  3D live operation by Dr. Kim
  3D live operation by Dr. Kim
  3D live operation by Dr. Kim

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