September 23, 2012

Impressions from Warwick Medical School

Supervisors Training Workshop (Dissertation and Professional Project) at the Warwick Medical School (University of Warwick) in 11th September 2012. A personal thanks to Dr. Liviu Steier for the invitation and Dr. Edward Lynch for the warm reception. Amazing day, surrounded by amazing people. Besides, I had the virtual company of some nice guys as Antonis Chaniotis, Freddy Belliard, Roberto Cristescu, and others. Living and learning...

September 20, 2012

APCD Journal Interview

França S. Avanços no desenvolvimento de materiais e técnicas aperfeiçoam o controle da infecção endodôntica. Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent 2012;66(3):166-71 (In Portuguese Only)
[Development of techniques and materials to improve the control of the endodontic infection]
Prof. Marco Versiani, Prof. Gustavo de Deus, Prof. Ghassan Yared, Prof. Giulio Gavini