August 11, 2012

Four-Rooted Maxillary Second Molars

None of the present pictures were previously published in the
cited article below from Journal of Endodontics

The video from all these teeth are available as a
supplemental material on JOE's website

August 5, 2012

Maxillary First Molar: Five Canals

3D Reconstruction of a Maxillary First Molar with Five Root Canals
Micro-CT Models: Carabelli's Tubercle in the MB cusp (read more)
 Micro-CT Models: Cervical Enamel Projection (read more)
Micro-CT Models: Overview of the Pulp Chamber (Canal Orifices)
 Micro-CT Models: Canal Orifices
Micro-CT Model: Palatal Canal

August 4, 2012

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Prof. Marco Versiani