August 24, 2022

Three-rooted maxillary premolar

 A new publication in the IEJ about root canal preparation of three-rooted maxillary premolars

Original link to the article

Click here to read the article in full

August 20, 2022

Maxillary First Molar - Deep Split

 A deep split of the mesiobuccal root canal in a maxillary first molar
A technical challenge for any endodontist!
Detail of the palatal canal with an apical curvature towards buccal

August 19, 2022

Maxillary First Molar - Type II Configuration

Maxillary Molar Micro-CT Marco Versiani

The most common root canal system configuration of a maxillary first molar: 1 palatal, 1 distobuccal and 2 mesiobuccal (MB1 and MB2 canals with Vertucci's Type II configuration root canals. Photorealistic texture of a 3D model acquired using micro-CT technology and performed with advanced computational tools.

August 18, 2022

ESE Meeting in Budapest

European Society of Endodontology
Congress Course
Day: Thursday, 8th September 2022 (09h45-10h30) Hall 2
The skill of translating knowledge of canal anatomy into daily practice

European Society of Endodontology
Pre-Congress Course
Day: Wednesday, 7th September 2022 (14h00-17h00)
PCC4 - Morphometric analysis of the root canal system using micro-CT: a practical approach on how to perform measurements